Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Toll tax takes its toll

'Don't pay toll tax in Maharashtra: Raj Thackeray' screamed the headline. (

For once I tend to agree with the MNS leader who has said that a citizen who pays the toll should know where that money is going and for what purpose it is used. During my drives from Bangalore to Madurai, I have noted with a lump in my heart that you end up paying almost Rs.500 each way at the various tolls. This amount seems to go up every other time I drive down to my home town. I remember paying around Rs.85 for one particular stretch.

We Indians are so used to mediocrity that a good road becomes an exception and not the norm.

With an ever increasing road network in India, it is high time the National Highways Authority or any other department for that matter got their act together to ensure that tolls are fixed appropriately and sources and application of funds are adequately monitored to ensure that the money collected does not fill a few pockets alone.

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